
Friday, 4 April 2014

Mobile CRM for Microsoft Dynamics

Dynamics CRM on the palm of your hand. Whenever you need it. Resco Mobile CRM is going to be your irreplaceable companion throughout the day.

Resco Mobile CRM app is a client for Microsoft Dynamics CRM that allows you to access your data on the go. It boosts the productivity of sales people, field technicians…anyone who needs to be mobile while working.

Url for Mobile CRM for Microsoft Dynamics.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

How to add menu button in CRM 2011 ribbon

The following post describes that how to add menu options for ribbon button in CRM 2011. The code is in XML format.

Using flyoutAnchor tag, we can create menu options.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<RibbonDiffXml xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <CustomAction Id="new.incident.Button1.Button.CustomAction" Location="Mscrm.Form.incident.MainTab.Actions.Controls._children" Sequence="10">
        <FlyoutAnchor Command="Mscrm.Enabled" Id="new.incident.Button1.Button" Image16by16="$webresource:new_status16" Image32by32="$webresource:new_status32" LabelText="$LocLabels:new.incident.Button1.Button.LabelText" Sequence="10" TemplateAlias="isv">
          <Menu Id="new.incident.Button1.Button.Menu">
            <MenuSection Id="new.incident.Section2.Section" Title="$LocLabels:new.incident.Section2.Section.Title" Sequence="10" DisplayMode="Menu16">
              <Controls Id="new.incident.Section2.Section.Controls">
                <Button Command="Mscrm.incident.Command0.Command" Id="new.incident.Button3.Button" LabelText="$LocLabels:new.incident.Button3.Button.LabelText" Sequence="20" />
            <MenuSection Id="new.incident.Section4.Section" Title="$LocLabels:new.incident.Section4.Section.Title" Sequence="30" DisplayMode="Menu16">
              <Controls Id="new.incident.Section4.Section.Controls">
                <Button Command="Mscrm.incident.Command1.Command" Id="new.incident.Button5.Button" LabelText="$LocLabels:new.incident.Button5.Button.LabelText" Sequence="40" />
    <RibbonTemplates Id="Mscrm.Templates" />
    <CommandDefinition Id="Mscrm.incident.Command0.Command">
      <EnableRules />
      <DisplayRules />
        <JavaScriptFunction FunctionName="fixCase" Library="$webresource:new_CaseStatus" />
    <CommandDefinition Id="Mscrm.incident.Command1.Command">
      <EnableRules />
      <DisplayRules />
        <JavaScriptFunction FunctionName="processCase" Library="$webresource:new_CaseStatus" />
    <TabDisplayRules />
      <DisplayRule Id="new.incident.DisplayRule0.DisplayRule">
        <FormStateRule State="Existing" Default="true" />
      <EnableRule Id="new.incident.EnableRule0.EnableRule">
        <FormStateRule State="Existing" Default="true" />
    <LocLabel Id="new.incident.Button1.Button.LabelText">
        <Title description="Status" languagecode="1033" />
    <LocLabel Id="new.incident.Section2.Section.Title">
        <Title description="Fix Case" languagecode="1033" />
    <LocLabel Id="new.incident.Button3.Button.LabelText">
        <Title description="Fix Case" languagecode="1033" />
    <LocLabel Id="new.incident.Section4.Section.Title">
        <Title description="Process Case" languagecode="1033" />
    <LocLabel Id="new.incident.Button5.Button.LabelText">
        <Title description="Process Case" languagecode="1033" />

Form error notifications using Javascript in CRM 2013

In this post I am discussing some of the new exciting changes in the CRM 2013 SDK for client side JavaScript. In particular I highlight 4 new methods to do with placing notifications on a CRM 2013 form, and how to prevent auto-save via JavaScript.  To find out more, read on…

New JavaScript Methods in MS CRM 2013

Note: CRM 2013 is not due to be released until October 2013. The information provided in this blog might different from the final product.
As always, the best place to start on using JavaScript when coding for any Dynamics CRM version is the Microsoft MSDN site. In particular, “Use JavaScript with Microsoft Dynamics CRM“ contains a wealth of information about best practices for writing client side scripts  for Dynamics CRM. Be aware that this site currently only shows information for Dynamics CRM 2011. I would assume it’ll contain information specifically for Dynamics CRM 2013 after it is officially released in October.

Form Notification and Control Notifications in CRM 2013

Often customers require the ability to display messages to the user dynamically based on certain data entries on a form as the user is working on the form. This requirement is achieved previously by  JavaScript “alert” messages based on conditional checks of values in the fields displayed on the form. For instance, in Dynamics CRM 2011, the “alert” message in JavaScript will produce a “pop-up” message box displaying certain information. The user must click “OK” on the message box before continuing.
In Dynamics CRM 2013 however, in order to minimise the number of pop-up windows, the new SDK now includes 2 types of new notification on the form which you can add/remove via JavaScript:
Form Notification
  • Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification(message, level, uniqueid)
    This Xrm method displays a notification on the top of the record.
    Message: message string to be displayed in the notification.
    Uniqueid: string identifier for this message
    Level arguments:
    • “ERROR” (notification uses system error icon)
    • “WARNING” (notification uses system warning icon)
    • “INFO” (notification uses system info icon)
  • Xrm.Page.ui.clearFormNotification(uniqueid)
    This Xrm method removes the form notification set by  “setFormNotification”.
    Uniqueid: string identifier of the form notification to be removed.
Control Notification
  • Xrm.Page.getControl(fieldName).setNotification(message)
    This Xrm method displays a message near the specified control on the form
    FieldName: name of the field on the form you wish to get the control of
    Message: message string to be displayed in the notification
  • Xrm.Page.getControl(fieldName).clearNotification()
    This Xrm method removes the control notification
    FieldName: name of the field on the form you wish to get the control of
Note: Xrm methods is not the only way to display notifications to users in CRM 2013. You can also use e.g. CRM 2013 business rules.


Suppose you have the following requirements from a customer: on the account form, we would like to:
  1. Display an information banner on this account when the “Credit Limit” field is filled in but the “Payment Terms” is not.
  2. Display a warning banner on this account if its “Credit Hold” is “Yes”.
  3. Display a message near the “SIC Code” field of an account if this field contains a value but the data does not start with “SIC-”.
Again, you can fulfill the above requirements in different ways now in CRM 2013 without writing a single line of JavaScript, but for the purpose of this post, I shall meet the requirements using Form Notifications for 1) and 2), and Control Notification for 3).
Requirement 1) involves interactions between 2 fields “credit limit” and “payment terms”. We need to work out when the form notification should be set and when it should be removed. E.g. let’s create a method called “CreditLimitFormNotification” that does the following:
  • Set form notification when “credit limit” is not null and “payment terms” is null
  • Clear form notification when “credit limit” is not null and “payment terms” is not null (i.e. user has set the payment terms on the account), or when “credit limit” is null (i.e. user has not set the payment terms).
In code, this would be:
CreditLimitFormNotification: function () {

    //If credit limit field has data but payment term has no data,
    //set a form notification to notify user that payment term should be filled in.
    //If credit limit has no data then clear the form notification

    var creditLimitValue = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("creditlimit").getValue();
    var paymentTermsOptionSet = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("paymenttermscode").getValue();

    if (creditLimitValue != null && paymentTermsOptionSet == null) {
            "The credit limit contains a value. Please ensure payment terms for this account is completed.",
    else if ((creditLimitValue != null &&   paymentTermsOptionSet != null)
            || creditLimitValue == null) {
Requirement 2) is simpler to work with. Let’s create a method called “CreditOnHoldFormNotification” that does the following:
  • Set form notification when “credit hold” is set to “Yes”. Clear form notification when “credit hold” is set to “No”.
CreditOnHoldFormNotification: function () {

    //If account's credit is on hold, set a form notification
    //If account's creidt is not on hold, clear form notification

    var creditOnHoldOptionSet = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("creditonhold").getValue();

    if (creditOnHoldOptionSet == true) {
            "This account's credit is on hold. Do not process any orders for this account.",
     else if (creditOnHoldOptionSet == false) {
Requirement 3) can be met by another method called “SICCodeControlNotification” that does the following:
  • Set control notification when “SIC Code” is filled in but data does not match the required “SIC-”. Clears control notification if “SIC Code” is null or if “SIC Code” contains data that meets the required “SIC-” format.
SICCodeControlNotification: function () {

    //If SIC Code is not null and data does not start with "SIC-", set control notification
    //If SIC Code is null or if SIC Code meets formating requirements, clear control notification

    var sicCodeValue = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("sic").getValue();

    if (this.SICInCorrectFormat(sicCodeValue) == false) {
        Xrm.Page.getControl("sic").setNotification("SIC Code format should begin with SIC-");
    else {
Where the SIC Code Format check can be easily done by using regular expressions: e.g.
SICInCorrectFormat: function (value) {

    //Match value must start exactly with "SIC-"
    if (value != null) {
        var regexpPattern = /^SIC-/;

        if (value.match(regexpPattern) == null) {
            return false;
    return true;
Once the code is ready, I hook the following to the account form:
  • Account form “OnLoad” event: “CreditLimitFormNotification”, “CreditOnHoldFormNotification”.
  • Account form’s attribute “SIC Code” “OnChange” event: “SICCodeControlNotification”.
Now when I open an account form that has e.g. “Credit Limit” of £10000 but no “Payment Terms”, “Credit Hold” set to “Yes”, or “SIC Code” not in the correct format, I see the following form and control notifications.

Got-Cha’s on Form Notifications and Control Notifications

In the brave new world of CRM 2013, alas, very little is as simple as it first appears. The above 3 requirements have been met, but your customer might not be very happy with your work. Here is why:
  • Form and Control Notification by themselves are non-blocking event. It’s all very well to display “Credit On Hold” form notification or “SIC Code” format control notifications, however there is no JavaScript included in this discussion to block a user from saving the field values into database. E.g. a user can still go ahead and save a “SIC Code” that does not conform to the “SIC-” format requirement. Depending on whether this is included in your customer’s requirement, it can mean more JavaScript development to protect database values by e.g. block the account form’s manual save event and auto save events if “SIC Code” is not in the correct format. An “ERROR” form notification can be displayed to ensure the user is aware of this formatting issue.
  • Auto save in CRM 2013 causes the form to reload. CRM 2013 auto-saves a form every 30 seconds (you can turn it off but it’s not recommended by Microsoft). In the discussion above, I have only hooked the “SIC Code” control notification method to the “OnChange” event of “SIC Code”, and the “Credit Limit” and “Credit On Hold” methods to be “OnLoad” event of the account form. This means:
  1. A user might change e.g. “Payment Terms” or sets “Credit Hold” to “No” and expects the form notification to be immediately removed. This will not happen and notification is not removed until the form auto-saves (or user manually saves the form), and it triggers an auto-refresh of the form.
  2. A user sees a control notification near “SIC Code” but suddenly the form auto-saves which triggers the “OnLoad” of the form. As the SIC Code notification is only attached to the “OnChange” event of the field, the control notification disappears when form reloads.
  3. Similarly, a user might delete the “Payment Terms” field when “Credit Limit” contains data. User might expect an immediate form notification pop up to warn them to reset “Payment Terms” but this wouldn’t happen as the Form Notification methods are currently hooked on to the Account form “OnLoad” events.
While the code is correct, it is apparent that understanding which events to hook the methods to become very important. To address the above missing functionality, we need to trigger the following methods for the events:
  • Account form “OnLoad” event: “CreditLimitFormNotification”, “CreditOnHoldFormNotification”
  • Account form’s attribute “SIC Code” “OnChange” event: “SICCodeControlNotification”
  • Account form’s attribute “Credit Limit” “OnChange” event: “CreditLimitFormNotification”
  • Account form’s attribute “Credit Hold” “OnChange” event: “CreditOnHoldFormNotification”
  • Account form’s attribute “Payment Terms” “OnChange” event: “CreditLimitFormNotification”

Preventing Manual/Auto-Save with JavaScript in CRM 2013

Given the above example, how can we prevent manual/auto-save if “SIC Code” fails the formatting validation?
To address this, Xrm now has a new “Save Mode” of 70 which denotes a form’s auto-save event. This means we need a JavaScript function that passes in the form’s “econtext”, check for its “save mode”, prevent auto/manual-save if “SIC Code” validation fails. To do this, we need the following Xrm methods:
  • econtext.getEventArgs().getSaveMode()
    A return value of 1 denotes manual save or Xrm save
    A result value of 70 denotes auto-save
  • econtext.getEventArgs().preventDefault()
    This method prevents the “save” action.
Now all we have to do is put this logic into a JavaScript method that is triggered on the “OnSave” event of the Account form. Don’t forget to pass the form’s context as the first parameter when setting this up in CRM! Additionally, the method will show an “Error” form notification on the account warning users that they cannot save this form until the SIC Code formatting issue is resolved.
// Hook this method to the Account form "OnSave" event
// Pass execution context as first parameter when registering on form's OnSave event
OnFormSave_Account: function (econtext) {

    var eventArgs = econtext.getEventArgs();
    if (eventArgs.getSaveMode() == 70 //autosave
        || eventArgs.getSaveMode() == 1) //manual save or Xrm save
        if (this.SetSICCodeFormNotification() == true) {
            //Prevent auto/manual save
Now when you type a value in “SIC Code” on the Account form and you either save manually or auto-save triggers in the background, this JavaScript method will fire to show an ERROR form notification and blocks this save action.
When the user corrects this formatting issue and manually save/autosave again, both the form and control notification for “SIC Code” will disappear and saving action will succeed.

Installation steps of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013

The process for installing Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Server is very similar to the installation for CRM 2011, although there are a few new services that are installed. In this post, we will take a look at the CRM 2013 Server installation process. Note that I am installing the CRM 2013 Server Beta edition, so it is possible that the installation process changes slightly with the final release.
Step 1 – Extract Files
This is very self-explanatory. I have created a new folder in C drive called CRM Server which will hold the extracted installation files.
 Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server
Step 2 – Get Updated Installation Files
It is recommended that you check for the latest installation files by selecting Get Updates for Microsoft CRM (recommended).
 Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server
Step 3 – Insert Product Key
Enter the product key for your Workgroup or Server edition. Note that you can obtain a 90-day trial product key from the Microsoft Download Center.

Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server

Step 4 – Accept the License Agreement
Of course, you need to accept the license agreement before you can proceed with the installation.

Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server

Step 5 – Install Prerequisite Software
The installation process will check if any required software prerequisites are installed. If not, they will be downloaded and installed for you.

Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server

Step 6 – Specify Installation Directory
If you wish, you can choose to install CRM 2013 in a different location to the one selected by default.

Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server

Step 7 – Specify Server Roles
Here you can specify the server roles to install on the current server if you wish to split the installation up across multiple servers. Notice that there are two new services as part of the Back End Server roles and the Deployment Administration Server roles. These are the Email Integration Service and the VSS Writer Service. I will explain these two new services in an upcoming blog post.

Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server

Step 8 – Deployment Options
Here you must specify whether you are creating a new deployment or connecting to an existing deployment of CRM 2013. You must also specify the name of the computer where SQL Server is installed.

Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server

Step 9 – Select Organization Unit
Select the OU where the CRM 2013 Security Groups will be setup.

Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server

Step 10 – Specify Service Accounts
It is recommended that you create dedicated user accounts in AD for each of the CRM service accounts. The user accounts for the Application Service and Asynchronous Processing Service must be added to the Performance Log Users security group in AD. Notice that there are two additional services with CRM 2013 – the VSS Writer Service and the Monitoring Service. I will explain each of these in an upcoming post.

Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server

Step 11 – Select Web Site
Specify whether you want to install CRM on the default website in IIS, or let the server setup create a new website for you on a selected port. It is recommended that you install CRM on the default website (port 80).

Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server

Step 12 – Specify Email Router Settings
If you have already installed the Email Router, specify the name of the computer where the Email Router is installed.

Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server

Step 13 – Specify Organization Settings
Specify the details of the default organization you wish to create. Notice that the ISO currency code and Currency name is automatically prefilled based on your regional settings.

Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server

Step 14 – Report Server
The URL for the report server will be automatically prefilled for you based on the selected SQL Server in step 8. It is recommended that you copy-paste the URL into a browser to check that it resolves.
 Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server
Step 15 – Customer Experience
Select whether or not you wish to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program.

Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server

Step 16 – Select Microsoft Update Preference
Choose if you want to use Microsoft Update when checking for CRM 2013 updates.
 Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server
Step 17 – System Checks
A number of checks will be performed to ensure that all necessary settings are correct. If you haven’t added the user accounts for the Application Service and Asynchronous Processing Service to the Performance Log security groups in AD, you will see an error with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server User Input check.

Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server

Step 18 – Service Disruption Warning
This step indicates which services will be stopped and restarted during the installation process.

Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server

Step 19 – Ready to Install
This screen acts as a summary screen for you to review before CRM 2013 Server is installed.
 Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server
Possible Errors During Installation
You may encounter the following error during installation:
 Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Server
If you check the Event Viewer, you will see that it is a permission issue with the user account that you have selected for the VSS Writer Service.
Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The process that hosts the writer with name Microsoft Dynamics CRM and ID {74bf91e0-e0fa-4ba9-9258-48f4fd1d0445} does not run under a user with sufficient access rights. Consider running this process under a local account which is either Local System, Administrator, Network Service, or Local Service.

To assign the necessary privileges, visit this link.
That’s all there is to it! In my next post, I will show you how to install CRM 2013 Reporting Extensions. It is likely that the setup program for this component will execute automatically once CRM 2013 Server is installed, provided that CRM and SQL are installed on the same machine.

What's new in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013

The following post describes small information about new features in CRM 2013. It may useful to all who are learning CRM 2013.

Welcome to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013!

New CRM apps for Windows Phone, iPhone, and Android

With the new smartphone apps, you can now access important customer information from your phone.
Download the app from Windows Marketplace, Apple Store, or Google Play, or check with your CRM admin (if that's someone other than you) for instructions for your organization.
Key features:
  • See your CRM data quickly displayed and optimized for a mobile screen.
  • Add and modify contacts, tasks, and notes as well as other relevant sales data.
  • View activity feeds and see addresses on Bing Maps. Windows Phone only.
  • Get back to recently viewed records even when you're not connected. Windows Phone only.
  • All this with no additional license fees.
More information: CRM for phones: Set up and use

New CRM apps for Windows 8 mobile devices or your iPad

Microsoft Dynamics CRM for tablets helps you stay connected and productive wherever you are. Use your Windows 8 device or iPad to stay up to date with your customer info—even when you're on the go. Arrive prepared for every appointment, and update your notes, tasks, contacts, accounts, and leads while the details are still fresh in your mind.
Download the app from Windows Marketplace or the Apple Store, or check with your CRM admin (if that's someone other than you) for instructions for your organization.
Works with:
  • Windows 8 (including Surface Pro or Surface RT)
  • iPad (4th Gen)
  • iPad (3rd Gen)
Key features:
  • Access your activities, accounts, contacts, leads, and opportunities from an easy-to-use dashboard.
  • Quickly enter customer data with only a few taps.
  • Track progress for key performance indicators visually with charts.
  • Use Skype to communicate with your contacts.
  • Access your personalized views of lists to see the data most important to you.
  • Pin tiles to the app dashboard to get to the info you need quickly.
  • All this with no additional license fees.
More information: CRM for tablets: Set up and use

New business processes help you follow best practices for common scenarios

Check out the Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace for several business process solutions that help organizations like yours follow best practices for common scenarios. These solutions help you save time by giving you a great starting point for creating business processes that match the way you do business. More information: Business process solutions available for download
The system also comes with several business processes already installed. You can use them as-is, or edit them as needed. More information: Add ready-to-use business processes
For a short, easy-to-read intro to business processes, check out the eBook: Business processes. This eBook is designed to help users get up and running quickly with business processes.
For a step-by-step guide to changing a business process to match the way your organization does things, check out the eBook: Change a business process. This eBook is intended for administrators or managers.

Announcing Social Insights powered by InsideView

With Social Insights, powered by InsideView, your Microsoft Dynamics CRM account information goes from static to dynamic with constant updates to three essential types of information – data, insights, and connections. InsideView applies proprietary triangulation and validation techniques across 30,000+ sources and millions of company and people profiles to deliver relevant, accurate company and contact information that helps sellers find more leads, win more deals, and retain and grow customer accounts.  Microsoft Dynamics CRM brings Social Insights to you with every Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional license at no additional charge (U.S. only).
Create compelling customer interactions. Access more degrees of connection for every prospect. Social Insights helps sellers to be more efficient and effective, while driving CRM adoption, because it gives them the real-time insights they need to succeed – all in one place; all within Microsoft Dynamics CRM.  Learn more about Social Insights

Navigate easily with the redesigned user interface

The new user interface makes doing common tasks quicker and easier:
  • No more Navigation Pane. To move around in the web application, you'll use the nav bar at the top of the page. The nav bar includes “breadcrumbs” to let you know where you're working in the system. More information: eBook: Start working in CRM
  • It's easier to enter data. Look for the Create command in the nav bar at the top of the page. Just click or tap the command, and then enter data in a few fields to get new information into the system. More information: Quick create--Enter new contacts (or other data)--fast!
    You can add products quickly to opportunities, quotes, and orders -- and update details like price, quantity, and discounts right on the screen where you're working. Plus, you can look up and add key stakeholders and see at a glance who is involved and what their role is. More information: Create or edit an opportunity
  • Click or tap to contact someone. Stay in touch with your customers by clicking or tapping a phone number to make calls via Lync or Skype. Click or tap an email address to send an email. In addition, you can see addresses on Bing Maps. More information: Place calls with Skype or Lync
Microsoft Dynamics CRM is ideal for touch-enabled monitors as well as for monitors that require a mouse.

New color scheme improves readability of tiles

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Update Rollup 1 introduced a new brighter blue color for the tiles in the Sales, Service, Marketing, Settings, and Help areas, and changed the background color for the rows of tiles to light gray. The greater contrast between the background and foreground colors makes the tiles easier to see and use.

For example, the new light gray background makes it easier to see the row of tiles for the different record types, such as accounts, contacts, leads, opportunities, and cases. Additionally, it's easier to read the names for the groups of tiles, for example: My Work, Customers, or Sales.

The greater contrast makes it easier to read the names of records you viewed recently. To see an example: On the nav bar, click or tap Sales and then click or tap Accounts. Click or tap the down arrow on the Accounts tile to see the new lighter background for recently viewed records.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Disable all fields in single section

Disable all fields in one section in Microsoft dynamics CRM using javascript

function sectiondisable()
    var ctrlName = Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get();
    for(var i in ctrlName) {
         var ctrl = ctrlName[i];
         var ctrlSection = ctrl.getParent().getName();         
         if (ctrlSection == "ACCOUNT_INFORMATION") {

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Hide Ribbon Button based on user security role

Hiding button in the CRM ribbon based current user security role.

function UserRole(){
var roles= new Array();
 for(var i=0;i<roles.length;i++){
 if(roles[i]=="f16a3219-3756-e211-8c2e-000c29e7d817"){ //guid of my security role
  var btnRunWorklfow=top.document.getElementById("incident|NoRelationship|Form|new.incident.Button1.Status-Large");'none';
var btnRunWorklfow=top.document.getElementById("incident|NoRelationship|Form|new.incident.Button6.CaseState-Large");'none';